Dr. B. Ajay Reginald,M.D.S.
Principal & Professor,
Oral Pathology & Microbiology,

Mobile : +91-7093556045,
Email : ajayr@narayanagroup.com

Principal’s Message:

As well said “The biggest enemy of learning is knowing” we at Narayana Dental College & Hospital understand this principle and provide a continuous and progressive learning experience not only to the student but to the staff as well. Every day is a new learning experience and the environment at our institute encourages students to be proactive and interactive too. Learning is facilitated depending on individual capabilities which is our strength.
Be it discipline, communication, empathy or dental skills Students are educated using a holistic approach making them not just specialists in the field of Dentistry but socially responsible individuals too. Need based care and evidence based dentistry are key areas of focus at our institution along with special emphasis on research both at the undergraduate and post graduate levels. Students are encouraged to participate in academic, co- curricular, cultural and sports events both on and off campus. With a zero tolerance to ragging, the campus offers a friendly and safe atmosphere to every child.
Having nurtured students for nearly two decades the institute is proud of its alumni having achieved commendable positions not only in the field of dentistry but elsewhere too, both nationally and internationally, which speaks volumes in itself about us.

  • Narayana Dental College is quite a young Institution started in 2001 with an intake of 100 students each year, for undergraduate studies and 43 students per year for post graduation in all the nine dental specialties.
  • Friendly atmosphere - Most of the academic and non-academic staff knows most students by name, providing a closely-knit community
  • We encourage students, in voicing their opinion about the facilities of the campus and Academics helps us in improving the facilities and attending the needs of students from time to time.
  • Most of the senior faculty members are residing on campus and are available round the clock for the benefit of students. All members of staff feel personally committed to facilitating the students’ general development in their chosen career.
  • The Narayana Dental College and Dental hospital in the same building with nine specialty departments imparting Post graduate programs.
  • Excellent facilities are available for Students and the patients
  • Excellent education and research facilities for the students And many more……
  • A range of hostel accommodation to choose for the students and parents The Postgraduate Program
  • Narayana Dental College offers postgraduate program in all the nine specialties of dentistry.
  • Our institution has been permitted by the Dental Council of India and Govt. of India to start postgraduate program in six specialties for the academic year 2006-07 including Oral Medicine and Radiology, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Pedodontics and Oral pathology; and in three more specialties from the current academic year 2007-08 with Conservative dentistry and Endodontics, Oral and maxillofacial Surgery and Community Dentistry.
  • The fact that we are the first institution in Andhra Pradesh to start Postgraduate program in Oral pathology and only second institution next to Govt. Dental College, Hyderabad to start PG program in the specialty of Pediatric Dentistry make us proud.
  • All the postgraduate departments are well equipped with the latest state of the art materials and equipments. They are headed by experienced professors in postgraduate education, assisted by well experienced professors, readers and lecturers. Overall you have an experienced team imparting quality education in terms of academics, research and comprehensive development.