Gender Harassment Prevention on 17th October, 2019
Program on “Gender Harassment – Identification & Prevention” was conducted on 17th October, 2019, under the aegis of IQAC, NDCH. It was scheduled in the afternoon between 2.30 to 4 PM, in the smart class room of NDCH. Mr.K.V.Suresh, Asst. Public Prosecutor (Retd), Criminal Lawyer, Nellore & Hon’ble A.P.High Court, Mrs.Shehnaz, Advocate, One Stop Centre Administrator, and Mrs. Samatha C H, ICPS Child Protection Officer, both from WCD, SAKHI, Govt Hospital, Nellore, were the chief guests. Principal, Dr. Ajay Reginald, Dean, Dr. N.Siva Kumar, and GHE committee Chairperson, Dr.Vandana Raghunath, were the other dignitaries. All the staff (teaching & non-teaching), interns & students actively participated. Dr.Lavanya, Professor & Head and Dr.Swetha, Assoc Professor, members of the GHE committee, helped in roping in the chief guests. Dr.Ramesh Reddy & Dr.Swapna Professors, & Dr.Rajeshree, Assoc professor, also members of GHE committee helped in organizing the program very effectively. Principal addressed the gathering, emphasizing on the holistic development of a student beyond just graduating from a dental school and the various programs being conducted to inculcate this approach. Mr.K.V.Suresh spoke on “Gender Discrimination, types of Gender Harassment and ways of identifying & preventing it, at an Institutional level” quoting examples and both Mrs.Shenaz and Mrs Samatha elaborated on “Laws against Sexual Harassment”. They also explained about Women & Child help line numbers. Dr.Vandana Raghunath summarized the need to learn about the laws & functioning of GHE committee. Also students were told to report to the GHE committee members if any incident occurs falling in the purview of sexual abuse or gender harassment. It was a notable event.