Narayana Medical Institutions has a well-equipped library containing the latest textbooks and journals, both Indian and international. Situated within the campus, it also offers additional facilities such as photocopying machines and computers with Internet facilities. Blessed with a relaxed ambience in serene settings, students enjoy the benefit of peaceful hours of reading and taking notes from the references on the choicest of subjects. he library's front entrance leads to the referencing section hall where very important titles of Medical are stored in the on open shelves. Directories, Encyclopedias, MCQ books, books Etc., are available in this section. the faculty members can conveniently do their referencing work in the area exclusively arranged. the Journals received in the calender year are displayed on several pigeonhole racks. At the end of the year, these are sorted date-wise and sent to the binding work. Bound volumes of journals are stored in the first floor according to the titles alphabetically. Journals dating from 1995 to current date.